effects of world war II in Germany – finacially

“The nation was financially destroyed, due to the Nazi’s desperate spending to feed the war machine, even down to the final days.”

After the World Wars, Germany was at  disadvantage.  Many people hated the Germans because of the horrific events caused by the Nazis.  Then, not only were they recovering from war, but they also didn’t have much financial support.

“In Germany and in Europe most industries were destroyed after WWII, causing chronic unemployment and poverty”

After these people had been involved in a war full of starvation and suffering, they had to fight for their lives because people didn’t have the resources to provide for themselves or their families.

“Germany and its citizens basically had to start over from less than nothing. Germany would not be unified again until 1990.”

They had to change the way that the world saw them.  The Germans had a hard and long recovery because of the actions that they took in WWII.  They were then also separated and divided after the war by outside influences.

“West Germany had been transformed within 15 years from a Nazi disaster zone into a prosperous, immigration state.”

Even though many people still wouldn’t have wanted to go to Germany after the WWII, since many people were displaced, when Germany was no longer controlled by the Nazis, it had hope for a better future.

“After the bitter experience of the Nazi regime and Second World War, Germans, both in East and West turned away from militarism.”

“Although the end of the division forced Germany to abandon its passivity and redefine its role in the Western defense alliance, a pacifist attitude and a certain skepticism about military activities in Germany – regardless of generational change – can still be observed today.”

After the second WW, the Germans were able to choose how they wanted to continue life.  They were able to turn away from war and change their attitude towards war.  Since so many people were impacted by WWII, many people became apposed to more fighting.  People were able to see how devastating war can be, and how choosing a more peaceful way of life.



picture – http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1380401980i/780810.jpg

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